An EV Formula Car Hits the Tsukuba Circuit. Look for ecoMOTION, Even in Motorsports.

YOKOHAMA's test driving event: next-generation EV racing. As part of ecoMOTION, YOKOHAMA supports the test driving event led by the Japan EV Club, one of many EV Formula projects. The project develops electric vehicles (EVs) and sponsors EV races, offering a glimpse at the next generation of motorsports.


YOKOHAMA supports this new-generation EV racing car.
And it has enoughpower to surprise racing professionals like Ukyo Katayama and Masahiko Kondo.

Katayama and Kondo were invited to the April 10 test driving event for the new EV race at the Tsukuba Circuit. Generally speaking, EV cars are supposed to exert only one-fourth the burden on the environment of gasoline-powered cars. Development of a viable EV is a pressing need. First Katayama drove the new EV formula car, the Formula EX X-01. Kondo took the wheel of the ZEK-03Li, an experimental EV KART racer, and drove it for four laps. The only sound on the circuit was the screech of tyres as the cars took the corners. It was quiet enough to hear the songs of the larks in the air above the pits. The first thing Kondo said when he got back to the pits was, “Interesting. Interesting. It’s as fast as a turbocharged machine. I want one of these! Its power made me forget I was driving on batteries. But it was silent. Strange feeling, I must say. No vibration, either. It’s like driving while sitting in my living room sofa. And YOKOHAMA is supporting development of EV cars, going beyond just developing tyres. That’s great! I can see they’re not just doing what the trends demand, but are looking far into the future as well.”